As a server, you are one of the liturgical ministers of our parish. Liturgical ministers have special tasks to perform during liturgies, especially during the Eucharist (Mass), which is the central worship we do as God’s family.
Please remember that your ministry is important, and many people depend on you to fulfill your responsibilities. The parish needs you as a part of our worship to help things run smoothly and prayerfully. Please take this responsibility seriously.
Altar Serving is a liturgical ministry. It is a service to the gathering of God’s people at Mass, funerals, and weddings and other solemn ceremonies. The altar server assists the priest at the Mass; prepares the altar; leads processions during Mass; guides the assembly when to stand, to sit or kneel; makes sure that what is needed for the celebration is brought, carried or moved into place.
Outside of the priest or deacon, servers, more than any other liturgical ministry, are concerned with almost every aspect of the celebration of the liturgy. As a server, you are serving in several different ways:
• You are serving your parish family by helping everyone to worship and celebrate in the best way possible.
• You are serving God through your worship and prayer.
• You are serving the priest by helping him preside over the liturgy.
All servers must meet these requirements before they will be accepted to the St. Katharine Drexel Altar Server Ministry: